Tuesday, October 7, 2008

4 Landscape Prints


Colin Matthews said...


The raw shapes you created with your building shots are really strong forms. The clouds lend them a loftiness that keeps them from being too heavy. Instead, they're more like flat shapes in the sky. The nearly-black rooftops accentuate their flatness. I almost feel as if I'm looking at a giant billboard that happens to be shaped like a building.

Your documentation of the drive to Boston made for some really interesting shots. I've made that drive quite a few times myself, and I never thought of it as being particularly interesting and dramatic. You captured a great sense of light, and that makes all the difference with a normally banal highway scene.

Krista said...

First of all, I love your subject. Since I live in Waltham (5-10 minutes from Boston) I personally get a homey feel, and as with Colin I've driven down possibly a hundred times.
Your highway shots give us a look of your view when driving (I asusme you were driving). I know on the trip to Boston the Piscataqua Bridge is very exiting at least for me. As with you I always find myself looking over the edge to see the water and the rest of the landscape. In both pictures though I love the shots of the sky. Although it might be a little blown out in some parts I think that if you work with it a little more it can be amazing.
I like how your landscape shoot also consisted mainly of Brownstones- and by Brownstones I mean the roofs. I agree with Colin in the first picture, it does look very flat even though we all know it's a 3D shape. But in both the pictures I feel as though the buildings pop out of the sky, almost as if you were taking a picture of the sky and then a building got in the way. But I like that about them, it's something very unexpected that works here.