Sunday, November 2, 2008

Castle in the Sky


Krista said...

I like the final movie a lot. I'm not sure if it was because of the music, or the added shots but it definately felt more cohesive. I especially enjoyed the part you added with the "princess" walking in and throwing the animal up in the air and playing with it and then she came in 2 seconds later carrying it on her shoulders. It seemed to really fit and I made a direct connection with the earler shots of her dancing in the field. The only thing I'm confused about is the part at the end when the screen kind of "flashes".. it gets really light and then normal again, then there are the shots of the cas.. is it supposed to signify that she realizes that she's not a princess/in an enchanted land and simply in a field? I'm just not sure how it fits in.
I liked the music paired with this as well. The absractness of the music was a good pair, and I feel that if the music were more structerd (ie: heard footsteps when she walked etc.) it would of taken away from the whimsical feel of the piece. Overall I really enjoyed it.

Colin Matthews said...

Very dark, Audrey. I like it. Tony's music worked so well with your sparse cinematography. I feel like your strongest shots were the fixed-point ones, where Courtney walks in and out of the frame and in and out of our dreamy consciousness. My favorite shot was the sequence where she opens her eyes. I'm wondering if you talked with Tony directly about what that moment should sound like, because I thought it was creepy, startling, and strong---in other words: perfect. The first time I watched your animation, I think I jumped in my seat a little. It was the perfect way to end the dream.