Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Krista said...

Audrey -
I am a fan of portraits. These have a good combination between negative space and the person in the photo. I especially (as usual) the good representation and array of colors used throughout the series. I've noticed that you use a lot of blue/green in your series. Intentional? Either way it works.
I can also see these pictures together in a series. Except maybe for the eggs one, there's no person, and I overall felt that this was a portrait series.. Just correct me if I'm wrong on this one.

Colin Matthews said...

These shots are so quiet, and distant---I feel as if I am intruding on a private moment in each one. There is a definite mood to your photography (at least in this group), and it is one of peace, but not in an idyllic way. Some of these photos are a little dark (and not just in the formal way). The picture with the man drinking from a glass is quite sad, in a way, although it is so peaceful and quiet at the same time. I find a kindred spirit in your photographs (whether you meant it or not), and I would encourage you to pursue this vein.